Faith: The Real "F" Word We Struggle With

Do not let your past be greater than the promises of God in your life....

"The Lord is our protector and glorious king, blessing us with kindness and honor. He does not refuse any good thing to those who do what is right." Psalm 84:11

Faith is a result of genuinely believing that God is good. If you believe something with all of your heart that is when it is considered a "natural instinct." The biggest battle we as Christians will ever face is between our two ears. The mind is such a powerful thing God has given us. So easily though we allow the distortions of religion or the world to twist Gods truth and make His truth line up with our experiences.

In the subject of sickness, which we see so much of in the world today, we have come up with the idea that our Heavenly Father who sent His son to die for our sins, sickness, etc. could possibly be the one giving us this sickness? Many will quickly go to 2 Corinthians 12 where Paul speaks of God allowing the thorn in His side, but we miss the big picture here! Right after God says,

"My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak."

This means that God is in fact showing Paul that He has been given the authority to speak to that "thorn" per-se to be removed himself because of Jesus had given us the power at the cross. God gets glory when you speak to those mountains yourself because it is only by His name that we are healed. God does not given sickness, He only heals it. Or else all that Jesus died for would be in vain. As the Psalmist David stated, "God does not withhold anything good from us." That includes prosperity, healing, etc.

The way we receive these promises is solely based on OUR faith in His goodness; truly believing with all of our heart that He loves us. Because, the issue is we do not know that He truly loves us when we believe these lies that we are being "molded or disciplined." in the suffering He supposedly gave us. That's the old covenant of sacrifice. We now live under the Law of love and grace and HEALING!

Now, to change the way you think you have to commune with God, spend time in His word. This in-turn renews the mind by washing it of all the unbelief and distortion from the enemy. We then realize that our past does disqualify us but actually qualifies us for a Savior! How awesome is that! My friend, stay encouraged if you are dealing with a sickness, debt or other issues. Keep your faith in Him, He will not lead you astray.

Fancy Meeting You Here


Elizabeth Burnam

Fancy Meeting You Here. XO, EB