The Gospill

My dad placed his faith in Jesus and made Him Lord of His life. After this, things began to turn around for the better. One day while praying for my dad, God spoke to me to encourage him to start reading the Bible everyday. He told me my dad’s healing would be...

I laugh at some of these commercials advertising new medicines and pharmaceutical drugs. Many of the drugs potential side effects are far worse than what it is suppose to cure. I am not against taking medicines or going to the doctor. I love doctors and I am thankful for modern medicine. If it wasn’t for doctors and medicines many of us christians would already be in Heaven now. I believe God will use whatever and whoever to get healing to us because He loves us. However, God has already provided healing for all of us outside of medicine. His healing power can be received by taking His “Gospill.”

Sickness and disease is an oppression from the devil (Acts 10:38). The devil desires to kill every person’s life on the planet. Sickness and disease are some of his weapons of warfare. God sent His son Jesus to the earth to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Jesus came to seek and save every lost person (Luke 19:10). The word save derives from the greek word “sozo” which means to deliver, protect, heal, preserve, and make whole. So, Jesus came to the earth to seek out and heal those who needed healing.

Before Jesus died on the cross for our sins He was beaten. He gave up His body to be ripped apart. There was purpose for His pain. He allowed His body to be broken so we could be healed in our bodies. The Bible says in Isaiah 53:5,

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”

God provided healing for all of us in the broken body of Jesus. If there is healing power available for all of us then how do we receive God’s wonderful provision? I’m glad you asked. Jesus told His disciples in John 6:53,

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.”

Jesus goes on to say in this chapter that His flesh is bread and those who eat of Him will live forever. The flesh Jesus was talking about, His flesh, is His word or the Bible. Jesus was the Word who became flesh and dwelt among men (John 1:14). There is life and eternal life in Jesus and Jesus is the Word. When you open up the bible and read, you are eating the flesh of Jesus. You are eating from the lamb who was sacrificed for your sins. When you read God’s Word the life of Jesus goes into your spirit which gives life to your mortal body. This is why I call the gospel, which means good news, the “Gospill.”

About 10 years ago now, my dad was on a deathbed. He carried around an oxygen tank everywhere he went. He had a lung and heart disease. We had to take him periodically to the hospital to have fluid drained off of his heart and lungs. My dad placed his faith in Jesus and made Him Lord of His life. After this, things began to turn around for the better. One day while praying for my dad, God spoke to me to encourage him to start reading the Bible everyday. He told me my dad’s healing would be progressive. I did just that. I told my dad what God had spoken to me concerning him. My dad began reading the Bible and his health got better and better day by day. My dad eventually came off of the oxygen and was eventually completely healed and his health was restored. To God be the glory!

I want to encourage you to take the “Gospill” everyday of your life. If you have been diagnosed with a disease or are battling sickness in any way, read the Bible every day and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding. If you will do this, things will turn around for you. The life of God will come into your spirit and heal your body.

Brandon Burnam